Saturday, 30 November 2019


If you want to create a technology which is very similar to one that already exists in the system, you can use a technology generator which will automatically reproduce an existing technology for a given product and will store it in the form of a template, taking into account all its subordinate technologies e. Effective planning or progress tracking can be a long and time-consuming process. Barcodes in each operation enable fast and effective registration of production. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Technology versioning You can create several technologies for the same product and use them exchangeably depending on the demand. qcadoo

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Each of the attachments can be automatically printed with work charts issued at the production hall.


The attachments can also be added to each operation separately, which means that your employees will not have to ask for details of a particular task every time. This lets us know how much each product costs us, while the simple interface qcadio the integration with Enova give us a comprehensive tool for managing the production at our company. We provide assistance during configuration and implementation of the program.

Generate work instructions The work instructions are handed out to employees to provide them with information qcafoo what should be produced by them and which raw materials should be used in particular operations.

Technologies can be created on the basis of a register of operations, meaning subsequent steps tasks which your employees have to complete for the target product to be ready. Graphical scheduler with progress indication Orders are presented in a clear way using a Gantt chart. Overriding technology in order When planning another qxadoo order you can introduce certain changes in the technology for the product qcwdoo your interest e.

You will have access to a full register of all your technologies which can display various statuses, such as: We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can leave it if you wish.

Working with Qcadoo has allowed us to look at the production process from all angles and to precisely calculate the actual order costs. Everything is done so that work at your plant is fast and pleasant. How to implement qcadoo MES? You can easily generate an operating plan simulation which will consider the time of machine operation and the work of people.

For each shift you can assign appropriate employees, and define all applicable exceptions holidays, overtime. Production per shifts When your orders last long, are executed for several days and take place throughout a few working shifts, it is not easy to plan work effectively limiting the qcadop of stoppages to a minimum. This is why we give you the possibility scadoo precisely determining the time-consumption of the existing technology.

Users' opinions about qcadoo MES. You can use this, for instance, when you manufacture products based on the same technology but varying in terms of the size. You can also specify which pieces of information are to be included in work charts handed out at production.

qcadoo MES - Przyjazny Manufacturing Execution System

It will quickly calculate material and staff costs for the planned undertaking. The entire history of changes will be visible in the order so that you are aware of all stages.

Orders are presented in a qcaddoo way using a Gantt chart. Manufacturing Execution System, that you will love.

Calculation of time-consuming Time is money and at qcadoo MES we understand this rule. In some cases, your customers order large product volumes which are to be collected in batches produced, for instance, in monthly cycles. Qcadol planning for master orders In some cases, your customers order large product volumes which are to be collected in batches produced, for instance, in monthly cycles.

We also give you the possibility of clearly specifying where the acadoo materials are to be collected for a given technology and where to which warehouse the finished products should be transferred.

Technical documentation and attachments You will certainly appreciate the possibility of adding attachments when creating a new technology — this can be technical documentation, a graphic design qcadooo photos.

Przyjazny program do zarządzania produkcją

We have designed qcadoo MES in such a way that it is easy to use it — both for you and your production employees. After all, cleaning a machine from black paint when you want to use it for white paint later, will take longer than cleaning it from yellow paint to prepare it for using orange paint.


Each order can be freely transferred using a mouse. Your people will love it. Time is money and at qcadoo MES we understand this rule.

We help to implement the solution.

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